July 12, 2022

The world’s most sustainable drinking water, made in America

The world’s most sustainable drinking water, made in America

The world's most sustainable water

NEWS PROVIDED BY Botanical Water Technologies July 12, 2022, 12:00 GMT

Over 75% of the American West, home to 55 million people, is experiencing severe to extreme drought conditions. Recent research suggests that these conditions may be better labelled aridification – meaning that the warming and drying of areas are long-term trends.

During a time where water supply is drastically low, new technology has come to the forefront to alleviate the on-going pressure of water scarcity.

Botanical Water Technologies has created award-winning and globally patented Water Harvesting Units (WHUs) that harvests water naturally stored in fruit, vegetables, and sugar cane to deliver clean, safe, and sustainable drinking water to people and places that need it most.

Botanical Water Technologies Botanical Water Technologies alongside Ingomar Packing Company located in Los Banos, California can now produce up to 1 billion litres (~250 million gallons) of potable water every tomato processing season made exclusively from American tomatoes.

''We are proud to partner with Botanical Water Technologies and become the first company to grow plant-sourced drinking water in America." - Greg Pruett, CEO - Ingomar Packing Company.

Placer Process Systems (Placer Process), a California-based sanitary process systems general engineering contractor servicing across six industries; including food and beverage. Botanical Water Technologies has chosen Placer Process as the equipment fabricator and a strategic partner in manufacturing the Water Harvesting Units. Placer Process has decades of industry experience in manufacturing superior quality and customized specialty process systems.

"Placer Process is committed to meeting the 2030 goals embracing sustainability, diversity, providing environmentally responsible designs, and operating with first-class business practices. We are proud to work with likeminded businesses to help preserve our world’s natural resources." – Placer Process Systems Inc.

Botanical Water Technologies is in discussions with tomato, sugar cane, and citrus processors to expand the availability of sustainable drinking water to other regions of the US in 2023.

This technological breakthrough could see up to 3 trillion litres (~800 billion gallons) of plant-sourced sustainable water harvested per year, for social and environmental use around the globe.

Read the original EINNews article here.

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